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explore subfolder image 2024
explore subfolder image Examen promovare intr-o functie cu nivel de studiisuperioare - Aprilie 2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat selecție examen promov .contractual.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat proba scrisă ex.promov.contract.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat interviu examen.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat final ex.promov.contractual.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț promovare contractual.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Examen promovare grad personal contractual Iulie 2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat interviu Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat final pers.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț examen prom.grad pers.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat pr.scrisă Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat selecție ex.prom.grad contractual.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Examen promovare grad - Martie 2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat verific.eligibilitate-ex.prom.grad.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat pr.scrisă ex.prom.grad.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat interviu ex.promov grad.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț promov.grad.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Concurs Inspector superior compartiment Stabiliri Iunie 2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat verific.eligib.concurs IS-Stab.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat pr.scrisă-de afișat.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file BC-var.1.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț concurs IS-Stabiliri-11.06.2024.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Concurs Consilier debutant compartiment evaluare 30.05.2024
A Microsoft Word file Anexa nr.4- Declarație disponibilitatedoc.docDownload Preceding File 29-10-2024
A Microsoft Word file Anexa 2-Formular înscriere.docDownload Preceding File 29-10-2024
A Microsoft Word file Anexa 3-Acord prelucrare date.docDownload Preceding File 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat selecție concurs evaluare 30.05.2024.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț concurs CD-evaluare-30.05.2024.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Fișa post CD-evaluare.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Concurs Consilier debutant compartiment evaluare 21.08.2024
A Microsoft Word file Anexa 2-Formular înscriere.docDownload Preceding File 29-10-2024
A Microsoft Word file Anexa 3-Acord prelucrare date.docDownload Preceding File 29-10-2024
A Microsoft Word file Anexa nr.4- Declarație disponibilitatedoc.docDownload Preceding File 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț conc.evaluare 21.08.2024.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț concurs evaluare 21.08.2024.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Barem corectare sub.extrase conc.eval.21.08.2024.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
A Microsoft Word file Fișa post CS-model 2024.docDownload Preceding File 29-10-2024
A Microsoft Word file Formular inscriere Preceding File 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat final conc.eval.21.08.2024.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat interviu conc. evaluare 21.08.2024.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat proba scrisă conc.eval.21.08.2024.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat selecție dosare concurs evaluare 21.08.2024.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Concurs Consilier Superior Compartiment Stabiliri Aprilie 2024
A Microsoft Word file Formular inscriere Preceding File 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț conc.CS-Stabiliri.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file ERATĂ-ANUNT.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Barem subiecte extrase.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat final concurs CS-Stabiliri.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat verificare eligibilitate.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat interviu concurs CS-Stabiliri.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat proba scrisa CS - Stab.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Concurs Consilier Superior Compartiment Evidenta Contribuabili - Mai 2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezutat verificare eligibilit.conc.CS-Evid.contrib.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat pr.scrisă Concurs CS-Evid.contrib.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat final conc.CS-Evid.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Barem corectare Varianta 2.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț concurs CS-Evidență Contribpdf.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image 2023
explore subfolder image __22.01.2024 Concurs referent super comp Bilete
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat sel. dosare concurs RS-BT.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat contest conc.RS-BT.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț concurs RS- BT.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
A Microsoft Word file Formular de inscriere concurs.docxDownload Preceding File 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat proba scrisă conc.RS-BT.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat contestații interviu concurs RS-BT.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat final concurs RS-BT.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat interviu conc.RS-BT.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image _Anunt concurs 18.09.2023
A Microsoft Word file Formular înscriere concurs acord prelucrare date evaluare.docDownload Preceding File 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Barem test grilă concurs 27.09.2023.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț concurs evaluare.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Fișa post Ref.debConsil.deb-2023.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat final concurs evaluare.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat interviu conc.eval.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat proba scrisă-concurs evaluare.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat selecție concurs evaluare.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Examen promovare grad 2023
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat selecție ex.promov.grad.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat pr.scrisă ex.promov grad.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat interviu ex.promov.grad.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file ex.promov.grad.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț examen promovare grad-2023.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Concurs referent superior comp. Bilete
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț concurs Ref.sup-BT.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Erată anunț.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
A Microsoft Word file Formular de inscriere concurs.docxDownload Preceding File 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat contestație proba scrisă.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat final conc.Ref.sup.BT.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat pr.scrisa.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat_selecție_concurs_RS-BT.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Concurs inspector superior si consilier principal
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat selecție dosare.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat probă scrisă.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat final concurs.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rez.interviu.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
A Microsoft Word file Formular de inscriere concurs.docxDownload Preceding File 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț interviu.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț concurs de afișat.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț suspendare concurs.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț suspendare concurs IA -2023.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image 2022
explore subfolder image Examen promovare in grad
An Adobe Acrobat file Rez.sel ex.promov grad.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rez.proba scrisa ex.promov.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunt examen promov grad.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Concurs sef birou
An Adobe Acrobat file rezultat conrestatii.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat_final_conc_sef_birou.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat proba scrisă conc.șef birou.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat interviu-conc.șef birou.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rez.selectie conc. șef birou.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț interviu șef birou.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț concurs șef birou.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Concurs medic expertiza
An Adobe Acrobat file Concurs medic expertiza.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunt conc medic.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rez pr scrisa doc.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rez pr clinica.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat final doc.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Concurs inspector debutant si referend debutant 09.08.2022
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat proba scrisă - IDRD.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat final concurs IDRD.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rez.selecție dosare- conc.IDRD-09.08.2022.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rez.interv IDRD.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț proba scrisă.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț concurs IDRD-09.08.2022.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Concurs inspector debutant si referend debutant 06.06.2022
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț concurs IDRD - 06.06.2022.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rez selectie 06 06.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat final 0606.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat proba scrisa 0606.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Concurs inspector debutant si referend debutant 01.03.2022
An Adobe Acrobat file rezultat_prb_scrisa.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat selectie dosare concpdf.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
A Microsoft Word file Formular de inscriere concurs.docxDownload Preceding File 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunt proba scrisa.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunt concurs RD si ID.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Concurs consilier achizitii publice
An Adobe Acrobat file Rez_prb_scrisă_Conc_consil_achiz_pub.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț concurs consilier achiziții publice.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț interviu Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat interviu Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat selecție dosare concurs achiziții.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image 2021
explore subfolder image Consilier_etica
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț interviu consilier etic.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Concurs_recrutare_Consilier_juridic_debutant
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat selecție dosare CJD.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat proba scrisă concurs CJD.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat interviu CJD.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat final CJD.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
A Microsoft Word file Formular de inscriere concurs.docxDownload Preceding File 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunt_cons_jr_debut.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Concurs posturi contractuale pe perioada determinata 06.09.2021
A Microsoft Word file FORMULARE DE INSCRIERE CONCURS 06 SEPT 2021.docDownload Preceding File 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file ANUNȚ CONCURS EVALUARE.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
A Microsoft Word file BAREM VARIANTA I REFERENT_ANTET.docxDownload Preceding File 29-10-2024
A Microsoft Word file BAREM VARIANTA II SUPERIOR_ANTET.docxDownload Preceding File 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat interviu concurs evaluare.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Plan de interviu și Program interviu.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat proba scrisă 06.09.2021.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat selecție dosare concurs evaluare.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat final concurs evaluare.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Concurs medic expertiza Lehiu Gara
An Adobe Acrobat file Sit.inscrierilor la medic.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Erată anunț conc.medic.expertiză.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț concurs medic CEM Lehliu.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Concurs Medic Expertiza
An Adobe Acrobat file Selectie_dosare_medic.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Erata anunt.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunt_concurs_medic_ Bibliografie.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image 2020
explore subfolder image Concurs_promovare_PC_20200227
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat proba scrisa promovare contractual 27022020.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat final promovare contractual 03032020.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Concurs_promovare_FP_20200227
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat interviu promovare FP 02032020.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat final promovare FP 03032020.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat proba scrisa promovare FP 27022020.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Selectie dosare Concurs promovare FP 17022020.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image 2019
explore subfolder image Concurs_medici_expertiza_medicala
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunt_concurs_medici.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Inscrieri_concurs.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Concurs_medic_specialist_Lehliu_Gara
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunt_amanare_02122019.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunț_concurs_medic_specialist_EM.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunt_16122019.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Concurs_medic_specialist_Calarasi
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunt_concurs_medic_expertiza_Calarasi.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image Concurs_consilier_juridic_debutant
An Adobe Acrobat file Selectie_dosare_CJ.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat_proba_scrisa_CJ.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat_final_CJ.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat_contestatie.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunt_concurs_consiliear_juridic_debutant.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image 2019_05_21_Concurs_medici_expertiza_medical
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunt_concurs_medici_EM.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat_concurs_medici.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Modificare_data_concurs.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image 2019_04_08_Concurs_inspector_principal_Biroul_plati_prestatii
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat_final_concurs_08.04.2019.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat_proba_scrisă_concurs_08.04.2019.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Atribuiti_post_inspector_pricipal.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat_selecție_dosare_concurs_08.04.2019.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunt_concurs_08042019.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image 2019_02_11_Concurs_inspector_principal_Compartiment_pensii_internationale
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat_interviu_13_02_2019.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Rezultat_scris_11_02_2019.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Anunt-biblio.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file rezultat_final_14_02_2019.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Acte.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
An Adobe Acrobat file Dosarul_de_inscriere_la_concurs_obligatoriu.pdfDownload Preceding File Preview the file 29-10-2024
A Microsoft Word file FORMULAR_DE_INSCRIERE_LA_CONCURS.docDownload Preceding File 29-10-2024
explore subfolder image 2018


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